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San Bernardino Police Abuse


“Another story has been released about a deputy from west valley. Myself and Sharon Brunner send many, many hours and days. We feel it’s almost when we graduated from high school we have been there for so long talking through the areas. Now you can’t go through without being stopped by the police, but at one time it’s was full of NBC, ABC and everyone else. There’s always a story coming out of the west valley jail. This month is no different than any other month. This time another deputy has been arrested and charged with some type of sexual assault charge on an inmate. I’m reading my source this is west valley deputy has suspected sex with an inmate arrested. A west valley detention center who is suspected of having sex with having sex with an inmate was arrested Thursday according to sheriffs officials. It’s a gentleman known by Espinoza 45 years old was taken into custody. Now this has been going on in every way. I was recently contacted by another law office that is working on just the abuse with gays and lesbians in the jail. That’s a class action going on there and you are familiar with my work on the tasers along with Sharon Brunner at the jail that’s been going on. We are going in front of a federal judge. This isn’t stopping, this problem is persistent and it’s going on all the time. We’ve asked you when you run into law enforcement or see law enforcement and they got a San Bernardino Sheriffs Department or CHP is record it and then report it. I’m going to tell you that’s very important. You are going to get my address and Sharon Brunner’s address. You want to send those recordings to us right away. We are the ones that want to be involved in that. We certainly wish this young lady the best of luck and her problems she is obviously is having with the sheriffs, but there are many going on. There’s another one, just from Tuesday, this is a June 16th one, but it goes to show you the problem is with the sheriffs department. By the way, who is the number one law enforcement officer in the county in San Bernardino? If you said the sheriff, you are wrong. It’s the district attorney Mr. Rowans who is the number one law enforcement officer. Do you remember him? Shiny shoes, little american flag, ready to serve. I haven’t seen or heard from him in months…Record it, then report it, the most important thing you can do. All these stories without videos don’t go anywhere. You have a society has been raised the the police, the judges, the attorneys are almost like high priests, and everyone does what they are supposed to do. That is not the case. Only through video is the consciousness of America raised, eyes opened, and we can see those people who have been complaining about abuse for years. Have they been lying all these years? Have the people of San Francisco been lying? Have the blacks been lying? Have the poor been lying? We know now by the video that this is all coming out. I can’t say it enough.”